New Year: 12 in 2022 + Monthly Challenges


If you know me in real life, you likely know by now that I really love challenges. In 2021, I completed the 75 Hard Challenge which means 75 days of a diet, no alcohol, two 45 minute works per day, 1 gallon of water consumed daily and 10 pages of a book each day. Oh, and ZERO cheats. It was intense, but I felt so proud to accomplish it. In December, I’ve been doing a 3 for 31 Challenge in which I’m running 3 miles every single day for the entire month. Again, seemed kinda impossible, but I’m doing it!

But it’s not just fitness related challenges I enjoy, I also did my first 20 item monthly capsule closet challenge this year and I’ve done no shopping challenges in the past. There’s just something about a temporary challenges that motivates me and reminds that I am more capable then I give myself credit for. Often times it also helps me learn more about myself which I think is something we can all benefit from.

The final day of 75 Hard - loved the physical gains, but was so ready for a slice of cake!

All this to say, in 2022 I’ve decided on one full year challenge as well as individual monthly challenges and I’d love to invite you to join me in as many of these challenges as you’d like! I’ll be posting blogs each month to share the upcoming monthly challenge (which will vary from health or fitness to home organization to self improvement…etc.) and then also to update you on my progress for the full year challenge as well as how I did on the previous month’s challenge. The thing to remember is, we’re going for progress over perfection here. There is no shame in trying and failing, friends. (There’s also no shame in not joining in.)

If this is of any interest to you, read on for all the details. Plus, you can help give suggestions on what some of the monthly challenges should be!

Yearly Challenge: 12 in 2022

Over the past couple years I’ve really tried to work towards a more mindful, ethical, and less cluttered closet. I know I have far more clothing than I need and yet, I still purchase more. I’m tired of being stuck in that cycle so in 2022, I’m working to change my buying habits in a BIG way.

*Ethical Clothing = “In the most ideal sense, ethical fashion benefits those working along the supply chain and creates a better future for everyone—not just for those at the top.” - Audrey Stanton, the Good Trade

So for the new year, I am starting my challenge of “12 in 2022” meaning I will only purchase 12 clothing (shoes included) for the entire year. (All to be fair-trade items as well.)

Real talk: I’m incredibly intimidated by this challenge. But after doing a recent poll on Instagram, it’s become so very clear that many of us shop way more than we need to and it’s not only a financial waste, but it’s also harmful to the environment (the amount of clothing that hits landfills is appalling), and ultimately causes more stress in our lives than if we had less. If I truly want to help others work towards smaller, more efficient wardrobes, I feel like this a great step in the right direction.

Why twelve? Because when I list out the articles of clothing I already have in my possession, I’m embarrassed that I feel the “need” to have more at all. But I’m human and I know going without for the year wouldn’t set me up for success. This is my compromise.

Things not included in my 12: Needed replacements of undergarments, socks, or running shoes; accessories (although I will goal to be limited in these purchases as well); gym shoes; gifted items; swimwear (although this also needs to be limited)

In preparation for this challenge here are some of the things I’ve been doing:

  • Making a list of ALL my existing clothing…I mean EVERYTHING. That’s putting it in perspective of how much I really have (and love!).

  • Making a list of potential purchases for the year. Yep, I already have a running list because if I can only buy 12 items you better believe I’m putting a ton of thought into those selections.

Is this a challenge you’d ever consider? What would be the right number for you?

January Challenge: Dry January

For the first monthly challenge of 2022, I’m doing a Dry January. Yep, nothing original over here. I love the idea of kicking of the New Year with a little reset. Although alcohol isn’t a struggle for me personally, I do think taking time away from consumption is helpful to reset our digestive systems as well as to help us evaluate our relationship with alcohol.

Sometimes I realize I’ve fallen into a routine of having a drink at the end of the night. If it’s a thoughtless habit, that’s not a healthy routine.

Sometimes I realize I’m using a glass of wine to decompress. On occasion, that’s fine, but I don’t want it to become a default.

Sometimes I’m feeling a little extra bloat and regular drinking definitely does not help.

Pausing your alcohol consumption can also give you an opportunity to see if it’s impacting your sleep or maybe causing headaches or digestion issues… a pause can be such an eye opening experience. If you are a drinker and haven’t taken an intentional step back in awhile, I encourage you to give it a try.

If you do join in, please let me know! I’d love to encourage you as you step into this challenge.

Alright, there you have it, loves. My year long 12 in 2022 Challenge and my first monthly challenge, Dry January.

Whether you are setting resolutions or jumping into challenges or simply living (surviving?) life, I’m wishing you a very happy New Year full of growth, love and joy.
