How to (finally) Release Those Unworn Items from Your Wardrobe


Do you ever purge your closet (yet again) and still have a couple items that you just can’t seem to release even though you never never wear them?

Maybe the tag is even still on it and you feel guilty about potentially getting rid of something you spent good money on.

Maybe you’ve always loved it, but it is no longer useful in your current season of life.

I’ve been there, too. Purge after purge and a select few items stick around, still unworn.

If you’re tired of that cycle, here are a few tips to help you finally feel guilt-free about letting those items go and gaining a little more breathing room in your closet.

Note: Before moving on to the tips below, the items in questions should already pass the test of “Quality, Fit, & Lifestyle” meaning it is in good condition (no unintended rips or stains), it fits (as you are right now), and it is useable in your current lifestyle (ex: it’s not a formal suit when you no longer work in a formal office environment).

OK, if it has passed the QFL test, then it’s time to dig in a bit more and be honest with yourself.

TIP #1 DEFINE: Define Your Wardrobe Goals

First, fill in this blank: “I want to feel ________________ in my clothes/about my wardrobe.”

What are those adjectives you want for yourself?

I want to feel polished.

I want to feel joyful.

I want to feel sexy.

I want to feel comfortable yet confident.

What are your specific adjectives? Once you find them, WRITE THEM DOWN. Next, you need try on each of the “almost purged” items in question and honestly ask yourself if the item is moving you towards that goal description. Look in the mirror and ask yourself…

Does this top make me feel polished?

Does this dress make me feel joyful?

Do these pants make me feel sexy?

Does this outfit make me feel comfortable yet confident?

If the answer is no, then it likely doesn’t deserve to stick around any longer. But don’t worry if you’re still feeling attached. We have another test to help you decide before tossing it to the give pile.

TIP #2 PAIR: Maybe it needs styling

Sometimes that item you love but never wear simply needs styling to make it hit those wardrobe goals. If you still desire to keep an “almost purged” article of clothing, try styling it three different ways. Maybe once you add jewelry or front tuck the blouse with the right pair of jeans or when you throw on those gorgeous heels you’ll find yourself feeling confident/joyful/sexy/comfortable yet confident.

Set of a goal of styling the item three different ways and review each using the same question from Tip #1 - “Does this make me feel __________?”. If again the answer is no, let’s release it.

(If you aren’t sure about styling options, use Pinterest for inspiration.)

TIP #3 SHARE: Try it on for a friend

If your item has made it through QFL, Define, and Pair, it’s time to SHARE. Invite a friend over (preferably one that is stylish and kind, yet honest) and try on your looks in question for them.

You'll be surprised how another person will notice the way you stand or how you fidget, the way you comment on the outfit (or your body in it), and ultimately the way you really feel in the garment.

Ask your friend to give an honest opinion on whether or not they think the item is serving you well. Give them your goal adjectives so they too can evaluate if you’re giving off vibes that represent polished/joyful/sexy/comfortable yet confident.

You may end up with a “OMG, that looks great on you!” or you may get a “I think there’s other items in your closet that represent you better”. Be ready for either response and don’t take anything personally.

Clothing is made to compliment you, not to define you. Your worth isn’t attached to the garment so let it go as needed without guilt and without any judgement towards your body.

Bonus tip: Before having your friend review the item in question, put on an outfit that feels exactly like the adjectives you want to describe your wardrobe. Let that outfit that makes you feel incredible be the bench mark for all others.


If this helps you work through your wardrobe, let me know! If you could use support in editing your wardrobe, find more information about my services here.