Avoid This Material When Shopping for Area Rugs


When shopping for your area rugs, please avoid this material: viscose. (Or at least select a rug with 40% viscose or less and use in a low traffic area.)

Viscose, a subtype of rayon, is a man-made fabric produced by using carbon disulfide and sodium hydroxide to treat cellulose. It is a commonly used rug material, but it has more cons than pros in my opinion.

the cons of viscose rugs:

Viscose is made of weak fibers causing constant shedding and obvious wear in a short period of time meaning you’ll quickly notice a difference between the area resting under furniture and the worn down areas in between.

This rug material also doesn’t hold dye well so it will lighten over time as you continue to use and clean it. After cleaning, the fibers will also likely become stiff and dry making it less comfortable under foot as well.

If you do fall in love with a viscose rug, please stick to under 40% viscose make up and utilize the area rug in a low traffic zone.

What to use instead:

Instead of viscose, your longest lasting area rug option will be wool. Yes, a wool rug will be more expensive, but it’s also going to look great for years to come.

Another option is polypropylene. These rugs are affordable and durable making them a great option for many households.

don’t do this to your rugs:

If you really want your area rugs, of any material, to last - do NOT use the beater bar on your vacuum (unless a very deep pile rug). Yes, it seems to help with cleaning, but in reality you are risking damaging and pulling the rug fibers causing more wear and tear.

Keep following along for more tips to help you make the most of your home!

Need help deciding what size area rugs to use in your home? Read this blog post.

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