February Challenge: 20 Daily Pages


As we inch towards the end of January (yes, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor as well), it’s time to get things sorted for my February Challenge! I was debating between a social media fast or some sort of a reading challenge so naturally, I threw up an instagram poll and let you guys make the decision for me. Honestly, I might make all my life decisions that way. 

*If you haven’t read about my 2022 Challenges yet, you can do so here.

Well the majority has spoken and I’ll officially be doing a reading challenge next month! The best part? Many of you said you’d like to participate as well! Although I thrive with self imposed challenges, it’s always more fun with friends. 

While there are a variety of ways we can approach this, I’ve decided to use a similar structure to the 75 Hard Challenge I did last year. In that challenge, we were required to read at least 10 pages per day (specifically 10 pages of self improvement reading). I found that even for an inconsistent reader like me, 10 pages a day was very easy to accomplish. Knocking it out before nightly tv time, right before bed, or even first thing in the morning was quite simple and achievable. 

This go around, I’m setting myself a goal of 20 pages per day of any book of my choosing. That should be enough for it to feel like a true challenge and hopefully help me tackle a book or two that’s been sitting in my yet to read pile. My hope is that this challenge will also positively impact my relationship with social media - 20 pages of reading instead of scrolling should work out nicely. 

Now, you are welcome to participate in the same 20 pages per day format or create your own rules. What I do ask is that you let us know how it’s going! How? So glad you asked, friend. 

Each morning in February (starting February 2nd), I will post a check in box or poll on Instagram stories so you can let me know if you accomplished the prior day’s reading task. That way we can at least feel connected as we attempt this little individual challenge. On February 1st, I’ll be asking what you plan to read so be sure to pick out those books over the next week! 

Well there you have it. February 2022 will be my 20 Pages Daily Reading Challenge. Thank you for joining, encouraging, and being along for the ride! Next week I’ll let you know how the Dry January Challenge went for me + I’ll provide you with an update on my 12 in 2022 Clothing Challenge. 

Here’s to new challenges, new goals, and loooooots of grace for any missteps…