How to Love Your Home Again (without spending a penny): Part Two



Welcome to Part Two of my How to Love Your Home Again (without spending a penny) Blog Series! Hopefully Part One allowed you to focus on being grateful for your home despite its imperfections. (If you haven’t read it yet, jump to it here and then pop back over.) Today we’re going to work towards caring for our home through thoughtful editing.

This task is completely inspired by my wardrobe.

I realized after editing out all those “I don’t really love it” or “eh, it’s OK” items out of my closet, I could more clearly see the things that I truly loved and felt excited about putting on my body. It made getting ready so much more enjoyable.

This process can 100% be transferred to our interiors.

Today (or select a specific date on your calendar to tackle this) I need you to focus on tidying and purging those items throughout your home that do not (in the words of Marie Kondo) “spark joy”. Surrounding ourselves with less clutter and more carefully curated items will help us feel more at peace and joy filled in our homes.

Some things to keep in mind while editing:

1. Do not guilt yourself into keeping anything. Just because you spent money on it/someone gifted it does not mean it is worthy of staying inside your home. Donate and purge without guilt.

2. More is not more. It is fine if your space(s) feel a bit more sparse during this season. The goal isn’t to fill your home with stuff - it’s to surround yourself with items that either add beauty or function to your home. (And don’t forget, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)

3. Cost does not equate value. If the artwork from your nephew on the fridge brings you joy, keep it! And I’d say frame that sucker! Keep the things that have meaning and therefore add beauty. I promise you’ll be much happier.

Maybe you’re new to your home and don’t have much to start with and therefore don’t have a ton to edit down. In that case, focus on tidying your spaces. Things like light cleaning and organizing can also help move you towards loving your home.

You got this, friend. Be sure to return for Part Three.